National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Storm Impacting the Northwest U.S.; Fire Weather Conditions in Southern California; Severe Weather in the South

A Pacific storm is bringing areas of low elevation rain, moderate to heavy mountain snow, and high winds to the Northwest. Strong Santa Ana winds and very dry conditions are producing elevated to critical fire weather conditions in southern California. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms are possible through early Wednesday morning across parts of northeast Texas into western Tennessee. Read More >

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Austin/San Antonio WFO Cooperative Weather Observer Program

The Cooperative Weather Observer Program is administered by the National Weather Service as a supplemental source of weather data. As part of the program, nearly 12,000 volunteers across the country collect information such as temperature, precipitation amount, soil temperature, evaporation, wind movement, agricultural data, water equivalent of snow on the ground, river stages, lake levels, atmospheric phenomena, and road hazards. The National Weather Service supplies the equipment, and the observers collect the data and relay it to the local NWS office as well as to the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC, where it is permanently archived.


Cooperative Observer Awards Program


From its inception, the National Weather Service has relied heavily on cooperative weather observers for establishment and maintenance of the nation's climatic database. It follows that appointing, training, and keeping good observers is a very high priority. Over the years, a method of selecting and rewarding observers for excellence in observing, recording and reporting weather data has evolved into what is now known as the Cooperative Weather Observer Awards Program.


Award Descriptions


Thomas Jefferson Award

This award originated in 1959 as a way for the NWS to honor cooperative weather observers for unusual and outstanding achievements in the field of meteorological observations. It is the highest award the NWS presents to volunteer observers. The award is named for Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States. Jefferson, the statesman-scientist, made an almost unbroken series of weather observations from 1776 to 1816. His old instruments may now be seen at Monticello, his home in Charlottesville, VA.

John Campanius Holm Award

The Holm Award was also created in 1959 as a way for the NWS to honor cooperative weather observers for outstanding accomplishments in the field of meteorological observations. It is named for a Lutheran minister, John Campanius Holm, the first known person to have taken systematic weather observations in the American Colonies. Reverend Holm made observations of climate without the use of instruments in 1644 and 1645, near the present site of Wilmington, Delaware. In later years, his son had his records published.

Earl Stewart Award

This award was named for Mr. Earl Stewart, a contemporary cooperative observer at Cottage Grove, Oregon. Mr. Stewart completed 75 years of continuous observations in 1992. The criterion for this award is that an observer serve the NWS as an observer for a period of 75 years or more.

Ruby Stufft Award

In 1991, Mrs. Ruby Stufft, of Elsmere 9ENE, Nebraska, completed 70 years as a cooperative observer, thus becoming the first woman to ever reach that plateau. This award was named in honor of Mrs. Stufft, and is presented to any observer attaining 70 years of service.

Albert J. Meyer Award

This award was named after an historical figure, an observer at Eagle Pass, Texas. In 1870, by a joint resolution of Congress and signed by President U.S. Grant, Albert J. Myer was appointed to establish and direct the "Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce," now known as the National Weather Service. Anyone serving the NWS as an observer for 65 years is eligible for this award.

Helmut E. Landsberg Award

This award was created in 1986 in honor of Dr. Helmut E. Landsberg, noted professor, author and lecturer. He was one of the preeminent climatologists of our time; and was, for a number of years, Director of the NWS Climatology Program, until it was abolished in 1973. This award is presented to all observers who have completed 60 years of service as cooperative observers. That is the only criterion, however, rest assured a 60 year observer has to be some special type of person.

Benjamin Franklin Award

This award was established in honor of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) who invented the lightning rod and was one of the first to describe the movement of large storm systems. As Postmaster General, he received weather reports from a network of observers along the coast which was the first known record of tracking hurricanes. This award is granted to an observer for 55 years of service.

Edward H. Stoll Award

This award was created and became effective in 1975 in honor of a contemporary observer, Mr. Edward H. Stoll, and is given to all observers who complete 50 years of service. Mr. Stoll was the observer at Elwood, Nebraska for over 76 years and was the first to receive the prestigious Stoll Award. To further honor the "Dean of Weather Observers", as he was called, the NWS flew Ed Stoll to Washington, D.C. where he met with the President of the United States, Jimmy Carter. To receive this award, an observer must have taken observations for 50 or more years; and it should be said that an observer who takes observations for that period has to be an excellent observer.

Length of Service Emblems and Letters

As with full time employees, cooperative observers may be given length-of-service emblems every five years, starting at ten years of service to 50 years of service.


Cooperative Observer Awards Banner

Helen Weidner received a 20 year length of service award from the National Weather Service (NWS). Helen has been the official NWS Cooperative Observer for station Spring Branch 2SE. She has been measuring, recording and reporting daily precipitation and weather data for Spring Branch since August 1, 1997. Photo taken by Steve Smart, Observing Program Leader, Austin/San Antonio Weather Forecast Office located in New Braunfels, Texas.

Linda Harper (left) of Harper, Texas accepts a 10 year length of service award presented by Steve Smart, Observing Program Leader from the Austin/San Antonio National Weather Service (NWS) office. Linda Harper has been observing and reporting weather data for the National Weather Service officially since 9/1/2005.

Larry Weiser (left) of Giddings, Texas accepts a 25 year length of service award presented by Steve Smart, Observing Program Leader from the Austin/San Antonio National Weather Service (NWS) office. Larry Weiser has been observing and reporting rainfall data for the National Weather Service officially since 10/1/1990.

Mr. Clarence Fischer (left) of Fedor, Tx receives a 10 year length of service award on September 8, 2015. Mr. Fischer has been taking official observations for Fedor since July 1, 2005.

Mr. Larry Rothbauer (left) of Hallettsville 2N received a 40 year length of service award on August 4, 2015. Mr. Rothbauer has been taking official observations for Hallettsville since May 1, 1975.

Charlotte Mercer of Kingsbury, Texas, received a 15 year length of service award on April 9, 2015. Ms. Mercer has been taking official weather observations for Kingsbury since April 1, 2000.

Mr. John Taylor of Taylor 1NW received a 15 year LOS award. Mr. Taylor has been taking official weather observations since April 1, 2000.

Mr. Jerry Simon of Jeddo, Texas received a 20 year length of service award on Saturday December 6th, 2014. Mr. Simon has been taking official weather observations in Jeddo since July 1st, 1994.

Mr. John Klose of Bertram, Texas accepts a 10 year length of service award on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014. Mr. Klose has been taking official weather observations in Bertram since March 5th, 2004.

Mr. Steve Flocke of Wimberley, Texas accepts a 15 year length of service award on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014. Mr. Flocke has been taking official weather observations in Wimberley since July 2nd, 1999.

George Bomar of Dripping Springs, Texas accepts a 30-year length of service award on December 2, 2014.

Joan Smith of Watson was presented with a 30 year length of service award on November 4, 2014.

Lanette Edmondson of Kendalia was presented with the John Campanius Holm Award on September 16, 2014.

The International Boundary and Water Commission office at Lake Amistad, TX received a 50 year Honored Institution award on February 13, 2014.

Frederick Kite of La Pryor, TX, was presented a 25 year Length of Service Award on January 15, 2014.

Leona (Lee) Roitsch of La Grange was posthumously presented with a 35 year Length of Service award on December 7, 2013. Her daughter Cheryl accepted the award.

Billy Teague of Fredericksburg was presented with the Benjamin Franklin award for 55 years service to the COOP program on December 3, 2013.

Lanette Edmondson of Kendalia was presented with a 35 year Length of Service award on December 3, 2013.

Elinor Vandergriff of Medina was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on November 21, 2013.

Marcy Rutledge of Carrizo Springs was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on August 1, 2013.

Image of Elroy Dieringer Elroy Dieringer of Schulenberg was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on June 12, 2013.

Image of Stuart Haby Stuart Haby of Vanderpool was presented with the Edward H. Stoll award for 50 years of service to the COOP program on March 12, 2013.

Image of Doctor Chester Todd and Alice Todd Doctor Chester Todd and Alice Todd of Rocksprings were presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on February 13, 2013.

Image of Conrad Banda Conrad Banda of Pearsall was presented with a 35 year Length of Service award on January 23, 2013.

Sid Chaney of Utopia was presented with a 20 year Length of Service award on December 19, 2012.

Image of Tricia Van Pelt Tricia Van Pelt of Sabinal was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on December 13, 2012.

Image of Kenton Ahrens Kenton Ahrens was presented with the Edward H. Stoll award for 50 years of service to the COOP program on September 18, 2012.

Dorothy Beyer of Hye was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on August 14, 2012.

Helen Weidner of Spring Branch was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on August 14, 2012.

Image of Leon Bailet Leon Bailey of Spicewood was presented with a 20 year Length of Service award on August 11, 2012.

Image of James and Sue Reeves Emmie Rusche of Prairie Mountain was posthumously presented with the Edward Stoll award on April 25, 2012.

Image of Shannon Grubb Shannon Grub of Carta Valley was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on April 24, 2012.

Image of Edwin Lundgren Jr. Edwin Lundgren Jr. of Elgin was presented with a 60 year Length of Service award on February 22, 2012.

Image of Larry Rothbauer Larry Rothbauer of Hallettsville 2N was presented with the John Campanius Holm Award on January 27, 2012.

Image of Robert Miller Robert Miller of Gonzales 1N was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on January 26, 2012.

Image of Gilbert Philippus Gilbert Philippus of Gonzales 10SW was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on January 26, 2012.

Image of Max Northington Max Northington of Northington Ranch was presented with a 25 year Length of Service award on December 14, 2011.

Image of Bill Bell Bill Bell of Gold was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on December 13, 2011.

George Maxfield of San Antonio 8NNE was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on December 10, 2011.

Image of Anton Haner Anton Haner of Tarpley was presented with a 30 year Length of Service award on December 6, 2011.

Image of Charlene Fischer Charlene Fischer of Fischer's Store was presented with the John Campanius Holm award and a 35 year Length of Service award on November 9, 2011.

Image of Rose Hudson Rose Hudson of Canyon Dam #4 was presented with a 35 year Length of Service award on November 8, 2011.

Image of Gayle Warzecha Gayle Warzecha of Falls City 7WSW was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on August 1, 2011.

Image of Fred Kaufman Fred Kaufman of Andice 2SW was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on May 26, 2011.

Image of Canyon Dam staff The staff of Canyon Dam was presented with a 50 year Honored Institution award on May 17, 2011.

Image of Andrew Korus Andrew Korus of Stockdale 4N was presented with a 40 year Length of Service award on May 4, 2011.

Image of Lynn Hall Lynn Hall of Del Rio 2NW was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on April 11, 2011.

Image of Calvin Hutzler Calvin Hutzler of Rio Medina was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on April 1, 2011.

Image of Adrian Fredriksson Adrian Fredriksson of Hondo was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on March 1, 2011.

Image of Rex and Beth Bourland Rex and Beth Bourland of Comfort were presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on December 8, 2010.

Image of Elizabeth "Liz" Lindig Elizabeth "Liz" Lindig of Johnson City was presented the John Campanius Holm award on November 9, 2010.

Image of Jimmy Jo Smith

Jimmy Jo Smith of El Indio was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on October 7, 2010.

Image of Larry Weisner Larry Weisner of Giddings 5SE was presented with a 20 year Length of Service award on October 1, 2010.

Mike Knezek of Brackettville 22N was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on August 11, 2010.

The City of Brackettville was presented with a 75 year, Institution Length of Service award on May 26, 2010.

Larry Rothbauer of Halletsville 2N was presented with a 35 year Length of Service award on May 25, 2010.

Maggie Montgomery of Bankersmith was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on May 19, 2010.

Steve Sands of San Marcos was presented with a 25 year Length of Service award on May 12, 2010.

John Taylor of Taylor 1NW was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on April 23, 2010.

Charlotte Mercer of Kingsbury was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on March 5, 2010.

Alma Smart of Rocksprings 26SSW was presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on January 30, 2010.

Jerry Wall of Round Rock 3NE was presented with a 25 year Length of Service award on January 28, 2010.

Al Siebenaler Kerrville 3NNE was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on January 27, 2010.

George Bomar of Dripping Springs 6E was presented with a 25 Year Length of Service award on December 5, 2009.

Guy Nobles of Yorktown was presented with a 25 year Length of Service award on November 13, 2009.

Stuart J. Haby of Vanderpool was presented the Thomas Jefferson award on October 20, 2009.

City of Pearsall, was presented with a 50 year Institutional Length of Service award on April 3. 2009.

Joan M. Smith of Watson was presented with a 25 year Length of Service award on February 25, 2009.

The Fischer Family, Fischer's Store, was presented with a 70 year Length of Service award on February 23, 2009.

Steve Flocke of Wimberley 1NW was presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on February 18, 2009.

Adolfo Rodriguez of Poteet was presented with a 30 year Length of Service award on February 3, 2009.

Fredrick L. Kite of La Pryor was presented with a 20 year Length of Service award on January 29, 2009.

Leona B. Roitsch of La Grange was presented with a 30 year Length of Service award on January 8, 2009.

Lanette Edmondson of Kendalia was presented with a 30 year Length of Service award on October 8, 2008.

Betty and Virgil Habenicht of Sisterdale were presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on October 8, 2008.

Marvin and daughter Tammy Gazaway of Ingram No2 were presented with a 15 year Length of Service award on August 26, 2008.

Marcy Rutledge and Jimmy Rutledge of Carizo Springs 3W were presented with a 10 year Length of Service award on August 7, 2008.

Claudia Ball of Hudspeth River Ranch was presented a 20 year Length of Service award on March 1, 2008.

Charles Chaney of Utopia was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on May 16, 2008.

Stuart J. Haby of Vanderpool 10N was presented a 45 year Length of Service award on May 15, 2008.

Liz Lindig of Johnson City was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on February 1, 2008.

John Klose of Bertram 3ENE was presented a 40 year Length of Service award on January 31, 2008.

Conrad Banda of Pearsall was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on Nov 29, 2007.

Anton Haner of Tarpley was presented the John Campanius Holm award on Nov 13, 2007.

George W Bomar of Dripping Springs 6E was presented the John Campanius Holm award on Oct 11, 2007.

Emmie Rusche of Prairie Mountain was presented the Dick Hagemeyer award for 45 years of service on Oct 11, 2007.

Leon Bailey of Spicewood was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on Oct 10, 2007.

Charles E Peters of Llano 18S was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Sep 11, 2007.

Bruce Pyka of Fredericksburg was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on Sep 10, 2007.

Kenton S Ahrens of Cottonwood was presented the Dick Hagemeyer award for 45 years of service on Aug 21, 2007.

Helen Weidner of Spring Branch 2SE was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Aug 14, 2007.

Daniel R Freytag of Flatonia was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on Jul 13, 2007.

Marcia C Hutcherson of Camp Wood was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on May 31, 2007.

Edwin O Lungren of Elgin was presented the Benjamin Franklin award for 55 years of service on Apr 17, 2007.

Gilbert Philippus of Gonzales 10SW was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Feb 22, 2007.

Varena M Blackman of Jarrell was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on Jan 30, 2007.

Charlene Fischer of Fishers Store was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on Jan 30, 2007.

George Maxfield of San Antonio 8NNE was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Dec 12, 2006.

Roy H Byars of Blanco was presented the Thomas Jefferson Award and a 35 year Length of Service award on Dec 8, 2006.

Bill D Bell of Gold was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Nov 1, 2006.

Anton Haner of Tarply was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Sep 21, 2006.

Rose Hudson of Canyon Dam No 4 was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on Sep 15, 2006.

H M Northington of Northington Ranch was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Aug 4, 2006.

Archie L Rebold of Granger was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Jul 8, 2006.

Fred Kaufman of Andice 2SW was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Apr 28, 2006.

The Schaeferkoter Family of Canyon Dam No3 was presented the Dick Hagemeyer award for 45 years of service on Apr 12, 2006.

Al Kinsal of Eagle Pass was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Apr 7, 2006.

Betty Klepper of Pandale 1N was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Apr 6, 2006.

Lynn Hall of Del Rio 2NW was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on April 6, 2006.

Mary Hughey of Comstock 19N (Bakers Crossing) was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Apr 6, 2006.

Calvin Hutzler of Riomedina was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Apr 5, 2006.

The Knoepfli Family of Comfort No2 was presented the Dick Hagemeyer award for 45 years of service on Apr 1, 2006.

The City of Llano Llano was presented a 50 year Length of Service award on Mar 30, 2006.

James Elam of Smithville was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Mar 23, 2006.

Adrian Fredriksson of Hondo was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Mar 8, 2006.

Andrew Korus of Stockdale 4N was presented a 35 year Length of Service award on Feb 26, 2006.

Edwin J Haidusek of Luling 12NE was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on Jan 26, 2006.

L F Goss of Belmont was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on Jan 25, 2006.

Elroy Dienger of Schulenberg was presented a 15 year Family Award on behalf of the Dieringer Family on Jan 17, 2006.

Roy H Byars of Blanco was presented the Benjamin Franklin Family award on behalf of the Byars Family on Dec 14, 2005.

Varena M Blackman of Jarrell was presented the John Campanius Holm award on Dec 8, 2005.

Rudy A Villarreal of Lytle 3W was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Dec 2, 2005.

Vincent Moy of Karnes City 2N was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Nov 19, 2005.

Larry Weiser of Giddings 5E was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on Oct 17, 2005.

Roger Voss of Seguin 1SSW was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Aug 15, 2005.

Alma Smart of Rocksprings 26SSW was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Aug 9, 2005.

Larry Rothbauer of Hallettsville 2N was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on Jun 17, 2005.

Steve Sands of San Marcos was presented a 20 year Length of Service award on Jun 14, 2005.

Corps of Engineers Georgetown Lake was presented a 25 year Institution award on May 24, 2005.

John B Holdsworth of Crystal City was presented the General Albert J Myer award for 65 years of service on May 4, 2005.

Jerry Wall of Round Rock 3NE was presented a 20 year Length of Service award on Apr 29, 2005.

National Park Service of Johnson City was presented a 25 year Institution award on Mar 1, 2005.

Billy Teague of Teague Ranch was presented 40 year and 45 year Length of Service awards Dec. 11, 2004, on behalf of his wife, Helen T. Teague.

George W Bomar of Dripping Springs 6E was presented a 20 year Length of Service award on Dec 11, 2004.

Jerry Simon of Jeddo 3S was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Dec 2, 2004.

Edwin O Lundgren Jr of Elgin was presented the John Campanius award on Dec 1, 2004.

Georgia Kruciak of Runge was presented a 20 year Family Length of Service award on Oct 7, 2004.

Guy B Nobles of Yorktown was presented a 20 year Length of Service award on Oct 7, 2004.

Charlene Fischer of Fischers Store was presented the General Albert J Meyer award for 65 years service by the Fischer family on Jun 3, 2004.

Shirley A New of Speaks No2 was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on May 18, 2004.

Bonnie Rahe of Harper was presented a 35 year Length of Service award on Apr 8, 2004.

Adolpho Rodriguez of Poteet was presented a 25 year Length of Service award and a 25 year Institution award for the City of Poteet on Mar 22, 2004.

Virgil Habenicht of Sisterdale was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Dec 11, 2003.

Leona B Roitsch of La Grange was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Dec 4, 2003.

Lanette Edmondson of Kendalia was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Sep 16, 2003.

Irene Schaeferkoeter of Canyon Dam No3 was presented a 40 year Length of Service award on Sep 16, 2003.

Henry Netardus of Jourdanton was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Sep 11, 2003.



Marvin and Tammy Gazaway of Ingram No 2 were presented 10 year Length of Service awards on Jul 3, 2003.

Elmer E Booth of Charlotte 5NNW was presented a 40 year Length of Service award on Jun 17, 2003.

Edgar Schwarz Jr of Boerne was presented a 35 year Length of Service award on Apr 1, 2003.

Alene Cottrell of Dime Box was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on Apr 23, 2003.

Charles S Chaney of Utopia was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Mar 11, 2003.

Neal N Billings of Langtry was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on Mar 14, 2003.

Claudia Ball of Hudspeth River Ranch was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on Mar 14, 2003.

Guy C Hutcherson Jr of Camp Wood was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on Mar 15, 2003.

Guy C Hutcherson was presented a 30 year Hutcherson Family Length of Service award on Mar 15, 2003.

Stuart J Haby of Vanderpool 10N was presented a 40 year Length of Service award on Mar 15, 2003.

Lorine R Jenke of Fedor was presented a 40 year Length of Service award on Feb 27, 2003.

Wilson Klose of Bertram 3ENE was presented a 35 year Length of Service award on Jan 8, 2003.

Andy Montgomery of Florence 3SE was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Jul 26, 2002.

Barry Rost of Burnet was presented a 50 year Institution award for the city of Burnet on Jul 26, 2002.

Varena M Blackman of Jarrell was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Jul 25, 2002.

Charlie Wood IV of Bulverde was presented a 20 year Length of Service award on Jul 24, 2002, awarded posthumously to his grandfather, Charles L Wood, Jr.

Rose Hudson of Canyon Dam No 4 was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on Jun 1, 2002.

Ewald Luehlfing of Canyon Dam No 6 was presented a 40 year Length of Service award on Jun 1, 2002.

H M Northington of Northington Ranch was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on May 31, 2002.

Roy H Byars of Blanco was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on May 31, 2002.

Ruth H Bourland of Comfort No2 was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on May 31, 2002.

Helen T Teague of Teague Ranch was presented a 35 year Length of Service award on May 30, 2002.

Jerry Wall of Round Rock 3NE was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on May 23, 2002.

Charlene Fischer of Fishers Store was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on May 22, 2002.

Edwin J Haidusek of Luling 12NE was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on May 22, 2002.

Steve Sands of San Marcos was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on May 22, 2002.

Jerry Young of Rocksprings was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on May 9, 2002.

Bonnie L Rahe of Harper was presented a 25 year Length of Service award on May 7, 2002.

Anton Haner of Tarpley was presented a 20 year Length of Service award on May 7, 2002.

Fred Kite of La Pryor was presented a 10 year Length of Service award on May 7, 2002.

John B Holdsworth of Crystal City was presented a 60 year Length of Service award on April 5, 2001.

Bill Smallwood of Bankersmith was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on October 27th, 1999.

George W Bomar of Dripping Springs 6E was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on October 28th 1999.

Shirley New of Speaks No2 was presented a 10 year Length of Service award in October of 1999.

Joe Watson of Cheapside was presented a 25 year Length of Service award in February of 1999.

Guy Nobles of Yorktown was presented a 15 year Length of Service award in October of 1999.

John B Holdsworth of Crystal City was presented the Thomas Jefferson award on Nov 10, 1999.

Melinda Ahrens of Cottonwood was presented the John Campanius Holm award on March 15, 1999.

Lynn Hall of Del Rio 2NW was presented a special service award for rainfall data he reported during the August of 1998 Del Rio Flood.

Joan Smith of Watson was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on March 6, 1999.

Martha Mathes of Wimberley 2ESE was presented a 15 year Length of Service award on March 2, 1999.

Emmie Rusche of Prairie Mountain was presented the John Campanius Holm Award on December 3, 1998.

Lanette Edmondson of Kendalia was presented a 20 year Length of Service award on Oct. 1, 1998.

Henry Netardus of Jourdanton was presented a 20 year Length of Service award on Sep. 14, 1998.

Stuart J Haby of Vanderpool 10N was presented a 35 year Length of Service award on Feb. 9, 1998.

Edgar Schwarz Jr. of Boerne was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on April 14, 1998.

Wilson Klose of Bertram 3ENE was presented a 30 year Length of Service award on January 6, 1998.

Lorine R Jenke of Fedor was presented a 35 year Length of Service award on July 15, 1998.

Elmer E Booth of Charlotte 5NNW was presented a 35 year Length of Service award on July 7, 1998.

Claudia Ball of Hudspeth River Ranch was presented a 10 year Length of Service award in March 1998.

Alene Cottrell of Dime Box was presented a 10 year Length of Service award July 15, 1998.


Many thanks are extended to these and other citizens who have loyally reported observations to the National Weather Service over the years. They make our job much easier!