National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Thunderstorm Causes Considerable Damage around Columbus, Georgia
July 24, 2004

A strong thunderstorm moved through portions of Muscogee County, Georgia on the evening of July 24, 2004. Winds accompanying the storm knocked down a number of trees. The following information was provided by Joshua McKinney, WTVM-TV Meteorologist in Columbus:

"The storm caused damage on Satuday night (7/24/04) about 10:45pm. Initially the cell developed in east Columbus and moved slowly westward. looks like it was a wet microburst with substantial damage in the Lakebottom and Country Club areas of town."

Examples of Damage around Columbus, Georgia ( click images to enlarge )
all photos courtesy Joshua McKinney
[ trees down in yard ] [ tree on a house ]
[ tree uprooted ] [ tree uprooted ]
[ tree snapped ] [ tree on edge of open field was snapped ]

Some maps courtesy Georgia Department of Community Affairs