National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Sumrall EF-0 Tornado

Sumrall EF-0


Click on map above to see entire damage point notation and damage pictures at select points.


Event Summary
This tornado briefly touched down in Sumrall. The tin roof of a daycare center and several large limbs were knocked down from this brief tornado touchdown.

(Click for EF Scale)
Estimated Maximum Wind: 70 mph
Fatalities/Injuries: none
Damage Path Length: 100  yards
Maximum Path Width: 50 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:

2:45 pm

Approximate End Point/Time:

2:45 pm

Radar Imagery
These images from the Brandon Doppler radar show the storm at 2:47 pm just after the tornadoes occurred in Sumrall. The image on the left shows 0.5° base reflectivity data, and the image on the right shows 0.5° storm relative velocity data. Click on the thumbnail below for a higher resolution image.

Radar - Lamar County