National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


East Carroll Parish Tornado

Click on map above to see entire damage point notation and damage pictures at select points.


Event Summary

The tornado appears to have started in an open field just west of U.S. Highway 65, about 2 miles northwest of the Sondheimer community. As it crossed Highway 65 near the intersection of Henderson Loop Road, it destroyed a large farm outbuilding, downed a couple of power poles, and caused some minor damage to some nearby structures. The tornado continued east northeast along the north side of Henderson Loop Road, and snapped a large tree and caused shingle damage to two homes near the intersection with Sand Field Road. The tornado then turned a bit more toward the north along that road, causing some minor tree damage before dissipating.

(Click for EF Scale)
Estimated Maximum Wind: 95 mph
Casualties: 0
Damage Path Length: 2.5 miles
Maximum Path Width: 75 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:

2 NW Sondheimer
5:19 pm

Approximate End Point/Time:

2 NNE Sondheimer
5:23 pm