National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Storm Impacting the Northwest U.S.; Fire Weather Conditions in Southern California; Severe Weather in the South

A Pacific storm is bringing areas of low elevation rain, moderate to heavy mountain snow, and high winds to the Northwest. Strong Santa Ana winds and very dry conditions are producing elevated to critical fire weather conditions in southern California. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms are possible through early Wednesday morning across parts of northeast Texas into western Tennessee. Read More >

Armistice Day Storm:  Winds

Jeff Boyne, NWS La Crosse, WI

Main Page Weather Pattern Sea Level Pressure Winds Snowfall Marine
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             Peak Wind Gusts

Grand Rapids        MI      80 mph
Muskegon            MI      67 mph
Alpena              MI      61 mph
Detroit             MI      56 mph
Milwaukee           WI      54 mph
Escanaba            MI      49 mph
Springfield         IL      46 mph
Saulte Ste Marie    MI      36 mph

               Maximum Wind
            (5-Minute Average)
           on November 11, 1940

                            Wind      Wind
  Location        State   Direction   Speed
  --------        -----   ---------   -----
Grand Rapids        MI        SW      65 mph
Cleveland           OH        SW      59 mph
Milwaukee           WI        SW      54 mph
Columbus            OH        SW      53 mph
Fort Wayne          IN        SW      53 mph
Duluth              MN        NW      52 mph
Alpena              MI        SW      47 mph
Dayton              OH        S       47 mph
Evansville          IN        SW      47 mph
Green Bay           WI        S       47 mph
Terra Haute         IN        SW      47 mph
Springfield         IL        SW      46 mph
Detroit             MI        SW      45 mph
Escanaba            MI        S       43 mph
Sioux City          IA        NW      43 mph
Chicago             IL        SW      42 mph
Sandusky            OH        SW      42 mph
Lansing             MI        SW      41 mph
Madison             WI        SW      40 mph
Davenport           IA        SW      38 mph 
Minneapolis         MN        W       38 mph
Toledo              OH        W       38 mph   
Cairo               IL        SW      37 mph
Indianapolis        IN        SW      37 mph
Des Moines          IA        NW      36 mph
Saulte Ste Marie    MI        SW      34 mph
Charles City        IA        W       34 mph
Marquette           MI        S       33 mph
Peoria              IL        SW      29 mph
La Crosse           WI        SW      24 mph
Dubuque             IA        SW      22 mph