Lake Charles, LA
Weather Forecast Office
Louisiana and Southeast Texas |
Statistics Total fog days starting June 1999 ending June 2000 = 51
Individual Parameter Statistics Surface pressure related to fog formation in Southwest Louisiana and Southeast Texas (in millibars)
A fascinating thing was found in the pressure field. Between 1016 - 1023mb, there were 39 days (76.5 %) of fog. Between 1018 - 1020mb, there were 20 days (39.2 % ) of fog. 40% of all fog days fell within pressures of only 2 millibars. Over 3/4 of all fog days fell within pressures of 7 millibars. These findings were significant and were incorporated in the model as well. High pressure centers related to fog formation in Southwest Louisiana |
High pressure centers were located over the North Atlantic, East Coast States, Gulf States and Gulf of America during 40 fog days (78.4 %). Other locations not including the aforementioned were found eastward of a line from Wichita Falls, Texas to Duluth, Minnesota. These locations comprised of 9 fog days (17.6 %). Only 2 fog days showed high pressure centered outside these areas. |
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Lake Charles, LA
500 Airport Boulevard
Lake Charles, LA 70607
(337) 477-5285
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