National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Fire Weather

Spot Forecast Requests

Attention local, state & federal government agencies ONLY:
click here to submit or check on requests for spot forecasts.


Current Conditions
for Southwest Louisiana & Southeast Texas

WFO LCH Fire Weather Text Products
for Southwest Louisiana & Southeast Texas
Full Fire Weather Forecast Fire Weather Matrix
Fire Weather Watch/Red Flag Warning Fire Danger Statement
Fire Weather Outlooks
SPC Day 1
Day 1 outlook image
SPC Day 2
Day 2 outlook image
SPC Days 3-8
Day 3 outlook image
Local Drought Monitors
Texas Drought Monitor image Louisiana Drought Monitor image
National Drought Outlooks

Monthly Drought Outlook image

Seasonal Drought Outlook image


Drought Information
for Southwest Louisiana &
Southeast Texas

What is a Drought?

Drought Types

Latest Drought Information Statement

Drought Basics

Climate Prediction Center
Drought Monitoring

Southern Region Climate Center

Texas Drought
Preparedness Council

National Integrated Drought
Information System (NIDIS)


Daily Temperatures/Rainfall

More Daily Rainfall Reports


Precipitation & Moisture Impacts



Precipitation Departure
from Normal

Soil Moisture

Texas Hydrologic Conditions image

Louisiana Hydrologic Conditions image

Precipitation Departure from Normal image

Soil Moisture image


Fire Weather Information

Texas Burn Bans

Louisiana Burn Bans

Today's Fire Weather Index image

Louisiana burn bans image
(Not an active map - click link)

Today's Fire Weather Index

Tomorrow's Fire Weather Index

Today's Fire Weather Index image

Fire Weather Index for Tomorrow image

Keetch-Byram Drought Index

Keetch-Byram Drought Index

KBDI Louisiana image

KBDI Texas image

Palmer Drought Index

Haines Index

Palmer Drought Index image

Haines Index image

Palmer Drought Index

Palmer Drought Index image


Climate Prediction Center
Long Term Temperature/Precipitation Outlooks

6-10 Day Temperature
8-14 Day Temperature
One Month Temperature

Three Month Temperature

6-10 Day Temperature image
8-14 Day Temperature image
One Month Temperature image
Three Month Temperature image
6-10 Day Precipitation
8-14 Day Precipitation
One Month Precipitation
Three Month Precipitation
6-10 Day Precipitation image
8-14 Day Precipitation image
One Month Precipitation image
Three Month Precipitation image