National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

WFO Memphis Third Annual All Hazards Decision Support Workshop

Tuesday - February 9, 2010

0800 – 0830 Workshop Theme: Supporting Decision Makers At The Local Level (Jim Belles,
Meteorologist In Charge, WFO Memphis)

0830 – 0900 All Hazards Weather Support – A State’s Perspective (Jay Winters, Deputy Director

0900 – 0930 West Tennessee Emergency Management Weather Support Utilization (Jane Waldrop,
WTEMA Director)

0930 – 1000 Craighead County, AR January 2009 Ice Storm Response and Recovery Operations (David
Moore, Craighead County OEM Director)

1000 – 1015 Break

1015 – 1045 New Madrid Seismic Event – Missouri State Emergency Management Requirements For
Weather Support in Response and Recovery Operations
(Mark Winkler, SEMA Troop E Coordinator)

1045 –1115 Mid South 2007 Heat Wave (Rich Okulski, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, WFO Memphis)

1115 – 1215 Emergency Managers Discussion Panel (Jay Winters, Ron Watkins, James Allgood, Mark
Winkler, Kent Buckley, David Moore)

1215 - 1315 Lunch (On Site)

1315 – 1345 Federal Express Weather Decision Support Services (Erik Proseus and Kory Gempler,
Federal Express Corporation)

1345 – 1415 NOAA All Hazards Weather Radio Update (Bruce Thomas, Midland Radio Corporation)

1415 – 1445 WFO Paducah Decision Support Services During The Historic 2009 Ice Storm (Pat
Spoden, Science Operations Officer, WFO Paducah)

1445 – 1500 Break

1500 - 1530 NWS Southern Region Decision Support Services (Tom Bradshaw, Meteorological
Services Branch Chief, NWS Southern Region)

1530 - 1600 NWS Center Weather Service Unit Decision Support Services (Doug Boyette, CWSU
Memphis Meteorologist In Charge)

1600 – 1630 NWS Preparation For 2011 New Madrid National Level Exercise (Al Mongeon, NWS HQ)

1630 – 1645 Day One Closeout (Rich Okulski)

Wednesday – February 10, 2010

0800 – 0815 Day Two Welcome (Rich Okulski, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, WFO Memphis)

0815 – 0845 All Hazards Site Specific Forecast Generation Tool (Jonathan Howell and Michael
Scotten, WFO Memphis)

0845 – 0915 WFO Lake Charles Decision Support Program (Roger Erickson, Warning Coordination
Meteorologist WFO Lake Charles)

0915 – 0945 NASA/NWS Space Flight Meteorology Training - A Foundation For The NWS Decision
Support Program
(Kurt Van Speybroeck, Lead Forecaster NASA Space Meteorology Group)

0945 – 1015 Integrated Operations and Simulations for Effective Decision Support (Jon Zeitler,
Science Operations Officer, WFO Austin/San Antonio and Kurt Van Speybroeck, Lead Forecaster NASA
Space Meteorology Group)

1015 – 1030 Break

1030 – 1100 WFO Louisville Decision Support Services (Joe Sullivan, Warning Coordination
Meteorologist, WFO Louisville)

1100 - 1130 WFO LaCrosse Decision Support Services (Todd Shea, Warning Coordination
Meteorologist, WFO Lacrosse)

1130 – 1200 Local Decision Support Services During A Major Flooding Event – Successes Gained and
Lessons Learned
(Mike Hudson, Chief Operating Officer, NWS Central Region)

1200 – 1300 Lunch (On Site)

1300 – 1330 WFO Jackson Emergency Response Program (Dan Byrd, Forecaster WFO Jackson)

1330 – 1400 WFO Memphis 2009 Decision Support Exercises (Andrew Sniezak, WFO Memphis)

1400 – 1430 WFO Charleston, WV Bridge Day/IMET Support (Simone Lewis, WFO Charleston, WV)

1430 – 1445 Break

1445 – 1515 NWS Chat As All Hazards Communication Tool (Tom Salem, Science Operations Officer,
WFO Memphis)

1515 – 1545 WFO Memphis Flash Flood Decision Support (Gene Rench, Service Hydrologist WFO

1545 – 1600 Open Discussion/Feedback/Questions (Rich Okulski)

1600 Workshop Ends