National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Storm Impacting the Northwest U.S.; Fire Weather Conditions in Southern California; Severe Weather in the South

A Pacific storm is bringing areas of low elevation rain, moderate to heavy mountain snow, and high winds to the Northwest. Strong Santa Ana winds and very dry conditions are producing elevated to critical fire weather conditions in southern California. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms are possible through early Wednesday morning across parts of northeast Texas into western Tennessee. Read More >


Corn and Wheat GDD - images Courtesy NDSU NDAWN program

ND State wide deep soil temps courtesy NWS Bismarck/NDAWN (updated once daily)

Soil temperature data from the North Dakota Agricultural Network. Courtesy of NDSU Soils Science Department.

Minnesota Climatology Working Group (DNR State Climatologist Office)

Experimental Cold Advisory for Newborn Livestock

Recent Temperature and Precipitation Data
High Plains Regional Climate Center - Lincoln Nebraska
(Monthly Temperature & Precipitation Departure)
Click on the image to go to the High Plains Regional Climate Center Click on the image to go to the High Plains Regional Climate Center
Click on the image to go to the High Plains Regional Climate CenterClick on the image to go to the High Plains Regional Climate Center

Midwest Regional Climate Center - Champaign, Illinois
30 day departure from normal temperature, precipitation & Modified Growing Degree Days
Click on this image to go to the Midwest Regional Climate Center

Local WFO Precipitation Forecasts through 60 hours

6 hour forecast 12 hour forecast

18 hour forecast 24 hour forecast

Local NWS 6 - 24 hour Precipitation Forecasts (6 hour totals)


30 hour forecast 36 hour forecast 42 hour forecast

48 hour forecast 54 hour forecast 60 hour forecast

Local NWS 30 - 60 hour precipitation forecasts (6 hour totals)



5 day forecast total precipitation

7 day forecast total precipitation
Forecast 5 day total precipitation Forecast 7 day total precipitation
5 and 7 day National Forecast Precipitation (From the Hydrologic Prediction Center)

Latest National and Regional Drought Information (Updated weekly)

US Drought Monitor and forecast

What is the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)
North Dakota Drought Monitor
North Dakota (left) - Minnesota (middle) -South Dakota (right) Drought Monitor

Forecast Reference Evapotranspiration (FRET)

Daily FRET

Total Weekly FRET

The reference evapotranspiration forecast is the expected amount of daily reference evapotranspiration in hundredths of an inch for the next 7 days and a total reference of evapotranspiration for the 7 day period.  The forecast is calculated using the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Standardized Reference Evapotranspiration Equation for a tall crop with an approximate height of 0.5 meters (similar to full cover alfalfa).  This equation uses the National Weather Service forecast of temperature, relative humidity, wind, and cloud cover for inputs.

These forecasts represent crop water use for a crop near full cover.  These values can be adjusted for actual crop development stage.