A Pacific storm is bringing areas of low elevation rain, moderate to heavy mountain snow, and high winds to the Northwest. Strong Santa Ana winds and very dry conditions are producing elevated to critical fire weather conditions in southern California. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms are possible through early Wednesday morning across parts of northeast Texas into western Tennessee. Read More >
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Thunderstorms |
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Lightning |
Storm Report |
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Lightning causes around 31 deaths in the U.S. annually (based on statistics from 2006-2016). Nationally, lightning ranks second only to flash floods in weather-related deaths. Lightning is the most frequent important weather threat to personal safety during the thunderstorm season, and it is also the MOST UNDERRATED weather hazard.
Unfortunately, New Mexico has observed several lightning fatalities and injuries. Why? The main reason is that people stay outside too long as thunderstorms approach or form nearby. During the early part of the thunderstorm season, for example May and June, "dry" thunderstorms are quite common. With these types of thunderstorms, little or no precipitation reaches the ground and, as a result, people are less likely to seek shelter. Click below for statistics on lightning events (resulting in property or crop damage, injuries or fatalities) by month and by hour.
While most lightning casualties occur at the beginning of an approaching storm, a significant number of lightning deaths occur after the thunderstorm has passed. If thunder is heard, then the storm is close enough for a lightning strike. DO NOT wait for the rain to start before seeking shelter, and do not leave shelter just because the rain has ended.
Did you know?
It's not raining, is there still danger from being struck by lightning? YES! Lightning often strikes outside of the heavy rain area and may occur as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall.
Will the rubber soles of my shoes or tires on my car protect me from being struck? NO! However, the steel frame of a hard-topped car provides increased protection if you are not touching metal. Although you may be injured if lightning strikes your car, you are much safer inside the car than outside.
To roughly estimate the distance in miles between you and the lightning flash, count the seconds between the lightning and the thunder and divide by 5.
When skies darken or thunderstorms are forecast look and listen for increasing wind, flashes of lightning, sound of thunder, and static on your am radio. While no place is safe from lightning, some places are much safer than others.
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When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors! |