A Pacific storm is bringing areas of low elevation rain, moderate to heavy mountain snow, and high winds to the Northwest. Strong Santa Ana winds and very dry conditions are producing elevated to critical fire weather conditions in southern California. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms are possible through early Wednesday morning across parts of northeast Texas into western Tennessee. Read More >
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Currently there is no Airport Weather Warning in effect for the Albuquerque International Sunport
Regional Radar Mosaic Sectors Loops (click image) |
Farmington (KFMN) | Gallup (KGUP) | Santa Fe (KSAF) | Las Vegas (KLVS) | Tucumcari (KTCC) | Cannon AFB (KCVS) | Roswell (KROW) |
Latest Upper Air Sounding from Albuquerque (Weather Balloon Data issued twice daily) |
Forecast Soundings for Albuquerque (Model Projections) |
Albuquerque (KABX) Radar Velocity Azimuth Display Wind Profile (Observed) |
Albuquerque Vertical Wind Profile (Forecast from Rapid Refresh Model)Lowest 2000 ft Above Ground LevelVertical Wind Profile (for lowest 2000 ft) |
Albuquerque Vertical Wind Profiler at Double Eagle Airport (Real-time observations)Note: The Wind Profiler is moved to Balloon Fiesta Park during Balloon FiestaDouble Eagle (Albuquerque) Vertical Wind Profiler |
Map of Surface Observations (Including Winds) Once the map is loaded, click on an observation site for more details. |
Albuquerque (KABX) Radar Velocity Azimuth Display Wind Profile (Observed) |
Albuquerque Vertical Wind Profile (Forecast from Rapid Refresh Model)Lowest 2000 ft Above Ground LevelVertical Wind Profile (for lowest 2000 ft) |
Albuquerque Vertical Wind Profiler at Double Eagle Airport (Real-time observations)Note: The Wind Profiler is moved to Balloon Fiesta Park during Balloon FiestaDouble Eagle (Albuquerque) Vertical Wind Profiler |
Map of Surface Observations (Including Winds) Once the map is loaded, click on an observation site for more details. |
Phone Numbers for Up-to-the-Minute Airport Observations |
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Issued for winds greater than or equal to 35 kt; 1 inch snow accumulation; frequent lightning around the airport; freezing rain; or large hail (3/4" diameter or greater).
Diagram showing the relative frequency of wind direction and speed each airport