National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Table 3.  Dates and types of past 'heavy rain' events across Memphis CWA.

Dates of Events			Surface Feature			500 mb Pattern			Classification

September 10-11, 1965		Strong low pressure		Closed low w/south		Tropical		
				w/cold front (W-E)     		flow (50 kts)			(Betsy)
				approaching from NW 

February 9-10, 1966		Slow moving cold		Strong trough with 		Synoptic
				front (N-S) with		strong southwest flow 
				squall line			(80 kts)

May 12-13, 1967			Stationary front (W-E)		Strong west zonal		Frontal
(6.09" at Greenfield)		w/squall line north of		flow (75 kts) near
(>3.0" at Corning)		frontal boundary		weak ridge

November 18-19, 1969		Strong cold front		Strong trough w/strong 		Synoptic
				(N-S)				southwest flow (100 kts)

October 11-12, 1970		Quasi-stationary front		Closed low w/weak		Synoptic
				(N-S)				southwest flow (30 kts)

February 21, 1971		Strong warm front (W-E)		Strong closed low with		Frontal
				moving north 			strong southwest flow 
								(100 kts)

September 25, 1972		Thunderstorm outflow		Weak southwest flow		Mesohigh	
(6.23" at Corning)		boundary 			(30 kts) along weak
(isolated event)						anticyclone to the east

March 14-16, 1973		Slow moving cold		Deepening trough with 		Synoptic
				front (N-S)			strong southwest flow (80 kts)

November 26-27, 1973		Developing low along 		Strong trough w/strong 		Synoptic
				slow moving cold front		southwest flow (70 kts)

May 14-15, 1974			Stationary front (W-E) 		Westerly zonal flow		Mesohigh
				w/squall line to the south	(30-40 kts)

May 31 - June 1, 1974		Developing low along		Weak trough w/weak		Synoptic
				slow moving cold front 		southwest flow (30 kts)

March 12-13, 1975		Quasi-stationary front		Weak ridging w/strong		Frontal
				(W-E) w/developing low		southwest flow (70 kts)

March 27-28, 1975		Warm front moving 		Closed low with			Frontal
(7.22" at Corning)		north (W-E) becoming 		southwest flow (50 kts)
(>3.0" at Greenfield)		quasi-stationary

March 3, 1977			Slow moving cold 		Closed low w/strong		Synoptic	
				front (N-S)			southwest flow (70-80 kts)

May 6-7, 1978			Warm front (W-E)		Closed low with			Frontal	
				moving north 			southwest flow (40kts)

December 2-3, 1978		Strong cold front		Strong trough w/strong		Synoptic
				(N-S)				southwest flow (60-70 kts)

April 11-12, 1979		Cold front (N-S) assoc.		Closed low w/strong		Synoptic
				w/strong low			southwest flow (50-60 kts)

March 16-17, 1980		Strong cold front (N-S)		Strong trough w/strong		Synoptic
				with squall line		southwest flow (70 kts)

June 23-24, 1980		Quasi-stationary		Closed low with weak		Mesohigh
(7.1" at Clarksdale)		front (W-E)			north flow (20-30 kts)
(>3.0" at Memphis)

July 21-22, 1980		Slow moving weak		Weak trough w/weak		Mesohigh
				cold front (N-S)		west flow (20 kts)

October 17-18, 1981		Quasi-stationary front		Deepening trough 		Synoptic
				(W-E) w/strong cold  		w/strong west flow 
				front (N-S)			(60-70 kts)

September 12-13, 1982		Low pressure			Weak southwest flow		Tropical 	
(11.9" at Greenfield)		system				(20 kts)			(Chris)
(isolated event)

December 3-4, 1982		Slow moving cold		Strong closed low with		Synoptic	
				front (N-S)			south flow (50 kts)

April 4-5, 1983			Slow moving cold		Closed low with			Synoptic
				front (N-S)			southwest flow (50 kts)

May 18-19, 1983			Warm front (W-E) 		Closed low w/strong		Synoptic
(6.4" at Booneville)		moving north w/cold		southwest flow (50-60 kts)	
(>3.0" at Aberdeen)		front (N-S) later

December 2-3, 1983		Developing low along 		Weak trough approaching		Frontal
				stationary front (W-E)		from west w/weak ridging  			
								and southwest flow (50 kts)

October 6, 1984			Thunderstorm outflow		Weak trough with weak		Mesohigh
(6.0" at Clarksdale)		boundaries			southwest flow (30 kts)
(>3.0" at Greenfield)

October 22, 1984		Slow moving cold 		Strong trough w/strong		Synoptic
(7.4" at Aberdeen)		front (N-S)			southwest flow (60 kts)
(isolated event)

November 7-8, 1986		Cold front (N-S)		Strong trough w/strong		Synoptic
				with squall line		southwest flow (70 kts)

November 16, 1987		Cold front (N-S) 		Strong trough w/strong		Synoptic
				with squall line		south flow (70 kts)

December 24-25, 1987		Strong warm front		Closed low with			Frontal
(6.42" at Jackson)		(W-E) ahead of slow 		southwest flow (50 kts)
(isolated event)		moving cold front

July 1-2, 1989			Slow moving low			Closed low with weak		Tropical
				pressure system			west flow (20 kts)		(Allison)

February 3, 1990  		Quasi-stationary front		Strong trough w/strong		Synoptic
(6.1" at Clarksdale)		(N-S) ahead of strong		southwest flow (80 kts)
(>3.0" at Booneville)		cold front (N-S)