A Pacific storm is bringing areas of low elevation rain, moderate to heavy mountain snow, and high winds to the Northwest. Strong Santa Ana winds and very dry conditions are producing elevated to critical fire weather conditions in southern California. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms are possible through early Wednesday morning across parts of northeast Texas into western Tennessee. Read More >
(when T1 = A, B, C, E, F, M, N, R, S, U, V, W)
(excluding ship data)
1. The designator specified in this table should be used to the greatest extent possible to indicate the geographical area of the data contained within the text of the bulletin or where the geographical designator is needed for addressing purposes.
2. Where the geographical area of the data does not correspond exactly with a designator, the designator for the geographical area most approximating that of the data shall be used. This is important for aviation products where the subject area extents beyond national boundries (i.e. SIGMETS, etc..).
3. When the table does not contain a suitable designator for the geographical area and for METNO and WIFMA messages, the use of XX as the alphabetic designator shall be used.
4. This table is subdivided into two parts: the first part contains geographical designators related to countries or tarritories in each RTH zone of responsibility for collection of observational reports, areas of forecast, and for use in administrative or service messages. The second part contains those designators for vast areas such as areas of analyses, areas of forecast (if appropriate), continents, hemispheres, oceans, etc.
A 1 A 2 Country AB Albania CD Chad AG Argentina CE Central African Rep AH Afganistan CG Congo AI Ascension Island CH Chile AJ Azerbaijan, Republic of CI China AK Alaska CM Cameroon AL Algeria CN Canada AN Angola CO Colombia AT Antiqua, St. Kitts & British CR Canary Islands (Spain) islands in the vicinity CS Costa Rica AU Australia CT Canton Island AY Armenia. Republic of CU Cuba AZ Azores Islands CV Cape Verde Islands CY Cyprus BA Bahamas CZ Czech Republic BC Botswana BD Brunei Darussalam DJ Djibouti BE Bermuda DL Germany BG Bosnia & Herzegovina DN Denmark BH Belize DO Dominica BI Burundi DR Dominican Republic BJ Benin DY Democratic Yemen BK Banks Islands BM Myanmar (Burma) EG Egypt BN Bahrain EO Estonia BO Bolivia EQ Ecuador BR Barbados ER United Arab Emirates BU Bulgaria ES El Salvador BV Bouvet Island ET Ethiopia BW Bangladesh BX Belgium, Luxembourg BY Belarus, Republic of BZ BrazilReturn To: [ Table C1 Index ] |
A 1 A 2 Country FA Faeroes Islands HA Haiti FG French Guiana HE St. Helena Island FI Finland HK Hong Kong FJ Fiji Islands HO Honduras FK Falkland Isl (Malvinas) HU Hungary FP Saint Pierre Island & Miquelon FR France HV Burkina Faso FW Wallis and Futuna Isl HW Hawaiian Islands GB Gambia GC Cayman Islands IC Comoros GD Grenada ID Indonesia GE Gough Island IE Ireland GG Georgia, Republic of IL Iceland GH Ghana IN India GI Gibraltar IQ Iraq GL Greenland IR Iran GM Guam Island IS Isreal GN Guinea IV Cote d'Lvoire GO Gabon IY Italy GQ Equatorial Guinea GR Greece JD Jordan GU Guatemala JM Jamaica GW Guinea-Bissau JP Japan GY GuyanaReturn To: [ Table C1 Index ] |
A 1 A 2 Country KA Caroline Islands MA Mauritius KB Kiribati MB Marion Island KG Kirgiristan,Republic of MC Morocco KI Christmas Islands MD Madeira Island KK Cocos Islands MF Saint-Martin, Saint-Bartholomew KN Kenya Guadeloupe /other French isls KO Korea, Republic of in the vicinity KP Cambodia MG Madagascar KR Democratic People's MH Marshall Islands Republic of Korea MI Mali KU Cook Island MJ Former Yougoslov Rep. of Mecedonia KW Kuwait ML Malta KY Kyrghyzstan, Republic of MN St.Maarten, St.Eustatius & Saba KZ Kazakhstan,Republic of MO Mongolia MR Martinique Island LA Lao People's Democratic Rep MS Malaysia LB Lebanon MT Mauritania LC Saint Lucia MU Macao LI Liberia MV Maldives Islands LJ Slovenia MW Malawi LN Southern Line Islands MX Mexico LS Lesotho MY Mariana Islands LT Lithuania MZ Mozambique LV Latvia LY Libyan Arab JamahiriyaReturn To: [ Table C1 Index ] |
A 1 A 2 Country NC New Caledonia Island PF French Polynesia Islands NG Papua New Guinea PH Philippines NI Nigeria PI Pheonix Islands NK Nicaragua PK Pakistan NL Netherlands PL Poland NM Namibia PM Panama NO Norway PO Portugal NP Nepal PR Peru NR Niger PT Pitcairn Island NU Netherlands Antilles PU Puerto Rico (Aruba,Bonaire, Curacao) PY Paraguay NV Vanuatu NW Nauru Island QT Qatar NZ New Zealand RA Russia, Republic of (East) OM Oman RE Reunion and assoc. islands OR South Orkney Islands RH Croatia OS Austria RM Republic of Moldova RO Romania RS Russia, Republic of (West) RW RwandaReturn To: [ Table C1 Index ] |
A 1 A 2 Country SB Sri Lanka TP Sao Tome and Principe SC Seychelles Islands TR Turkmenistan, Republic of SD Saudi Arabia TS Tunisia SG Senegal TU Turkey SI Somalia TV Tuvalu SK Sarawak TZ Tajikistan, Republic of SL Sierra Leone SM Suriname UG Uganda SN Sweden UK United Kingdom of Great Britain SO Solomon Islands and Northern Ireland SQ Slovokia UR Ukraine, Republic of SP Spain US United States of America SR Singapore UY Uruguay SU Sudan UZ Uzbekistan, Republic of SV Swaziland SW Switzerland VG St. Vincent and the Grenadines SX Santa Cruz Island VI Virgin Islands SY Syria VN Venezuela SZ Spitzbergen Islands VS Vietnam TC Tristan da Cunha YE Yemen TD Trinidad and Tobago YG Yougoslavia TG Togo TH Thailand ZA South Africa TI Turks and Caicos Islands ZB Zambia TK Tokelau Islands ZM Western Samoa TM Timor ZR Zaire TN Tanzania, United Rep of ZS American Samoa TO Tonga ZW ZimbabweReturn To: [ Table C1 Index ] |
A 1 A 2 Geographical Area AA Antarctic MP Central Mediterranean AC Arctic MQ Western Mediterranean AE South-East Asia AF Africa NA North America AM Central Africa NT North Atlantic area AO West Africa AP Southern Africa OC Oceania AS Asia OH Sea of Okhotsk AW Near East AX Arabian Sea area PA Pacific area PE Persian area BQ Baltic Sea area PN North Pacific area PQ Western North Pacific CA Caribbean & Central America PS South Pacific area PW Western Pacific area EA East Africa PZ Eastern Pacific area EC East China Sea area EE Eastern Europe SA South America EM Middle Europe SE Southern Ocean area EN Northern Europe SJ Sea of Japan area EU Europe SS South China Sea area EW Western Europe ST South Atlantic area FE Far East XE Eastern hemisphere XN Northern hemisphere GA Gulf of Alaska area XS Southern hemisphere GX Gulf of America area XT Tropical belt XW Western hemisphere IO Indian Ocean area XX For use when others are not appropriate ME Eastern Mediterranean area MM Mediterranean areaReturn to: [ Table C1 Index ] |