National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Sun, Nov 3, 2024 at 9:30:19 pm PST

North wind 20-30 mph, gusts up to 50 mph expected. Strongest winds expected near the Delta and far western side of the Central Valley. Moderate impacts of loose objects may be blown around, difficult driving conditions, downed tree branches, and few power outages are expected.
North winds 20-30 MPH, with gusts up to 50-55 MPH forecasted on Sunday into Monday morning. Strongest winds near the Delta and far western portions of the Central Valley.
Wednesday forecast of North winds 20-30 MPH, with gusts up to 50-55 MPH forecasted. Strongest winds near the Delta and far western portions of the Central Valley.
If driving during windy conditions, slow down, avoid large trucks and trailers, and watch for downed tree branches and power lines. Bridges and overpasses can be particularly dangerous, avoid them if you can. #WeatherReady


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