National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 12:52:42 pm PDT

Not much change from Monday near the coast to around 5 degrees warmer for the lower deserts. High temperatures for today for the coastal areas: 72 to 82, western valleys and inland Orange County: 82 to 87, inland valleys: 83 to 89, mountains between 4000 ft and 7000 ft: 68 to 77, high desert: 80 to 84, low desert: 90 to 94.
Not much change from Tuesday near the coast to a few degrees warmer inland. High temperatures for Wednesday for the coastal areas: 73 to 81, western valleys and inland Orange County: 81 to 87, inland valleys: 84 to 91, mountains between 4000 ft and 7000 ft: 71 to 80, high desert: 83 to 87, low desert: 93 to 97.


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