National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

A cool and breezy day is expected for today with highs in the mid 60s across northern Indiana with low 70s towards Vincennes. Conditions turn much cooler tonight with lows in the upper 30s to low 40s with rural areas likely to end up on the cooler end.
Recent dryness has led to an expansion in Abnormally Dry (D0) and Moderate Drought (D1) conditions across central Indiana. More counties are coming under burn bans as the dry weather continues.
Forecast graphics for the 0 to 12-hour time period
Forecast graphics for the 12 to 24-hour time period.
These images contain the daily records and averages across central Indiana. The data is an estimation and interpolation between the various points that have a long enough record across Central Indiana. Additional daily climate information available here including a full listing of all the points used to generate the maps: