A Pacific storm is bringing areas of low elevation rain, moderate to heavy mountain snow, and high winds to the Northwest. Strong Santa Ana winds and very dry conditions are producing elevated to critical fire weather conditions in southern California. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms are possible through early Wednesday morning across parts of northeast Texas into western Tennessee. Read More >
(pronounced "ivy rocks")
Access to the IV-ROCS system is
1-877-CoopObs (1-877-266-7627)
Below is the reporting menu that is used with IV-ROCS.
1) Identify yourself. Enter your 6-digit station number, no spaces or dashes, and verify the read back.
2) Enter your observation time using 4 digits or military time (example 7 AM = 0700, 2 PM = 1400).
3) Enter your data. The IV-ROCS voice will prompt observers for the data. You will only be asked to provide data that your station is equipped to provide. Observation elements IV-ROCS is capable of recording are: precipitation (including snow), temperature, evaporation, soil temperature and river stage.
If you report temperature data, enter it by following the voice prompts. Each entry is followed by a # sign, e.g., a maximum temperature of 65 is entered as 65#. Negative values are preceded with a *, e.g., -15 is entered as *15# (If your data is missing just enter a # sign).
Enter your precipitation amount or melted snow amount to the nearest hundredth of an inch (example: 0.01 is entered as 001).
If you have snowfall enter it to the nearest tenth of an inch followed by a # sign, e.g., 0.1 is entered as 1#, again do not enter the decimal; 1.0 inch of snow would be entered as 10#. Other examples:
2.4 inches is entered as 24#
10.2 inches is entered as 102#
If your data is missing just enter a # sign.
If you have snow on the ground enter it to the nearest whole inch followed by a # sign, e.g., 1.2 inches is entered as 1#, 1.6 inches is entered as 2#, and 11.2 is entered as 11#. If your data is missing enter #.
For trace amounts of precipitation, snowfall or snow depth use a * symbol.
Note: No decimal points are entered… IV-ROCS will add the decimal for you in the right place. After you make your entry the system will read it back to you…if it is not correct enter 2 and try it again. If your data is missing just enter a # sign.
Precipitation Types: After entering a precipitation value the system will ask you to report the type of precipitation. You may report as many types as needed. If you have a mix of frozen, freezing and liquid precipitation always enter them in that order. Liquid should always be last and snow must always be first.
The precipitation types and codes are as follows:
To Report
Keypad Entry
To Report
Keypad Entry
Rain | 1 | Snow Pellets | 6 |
Freezing Rain | 2 | Snow Grains | 7 |
Drizzle | 3 | Ice Pellets | 8 |
Freezing Drizzle | 4 | Hail | 9 |
Snow | 5 |
Special Features:
Key-ahead: The system has a key-ahead feature. As soon as you become familiar with the data entry prompts you can key-ahead quickly to speed your data entry. When you verify or key-ahead the system will stop the current data entry prompt, accept your input, and move to the next prompt. It is recommended that an observer not use the key-ahead feature until after the data is repeated to verify the accuracy of the data.
E-mail Notification: If you need your NWS representative to contact you the IV-ROCS will send an e-mail to the local office requesting that they give you a call. Due to work schedules, it may be a couple of days before you are contacted. The final voice prompt of the session will ask if you need to be contacted. Enter 1 if you want to be contacted or simple hang-up if you do not.
Revised Reports: IV-ROCS will allow the observer to submit a revised (corrected) report within two (2) hours of your scheduled observation time.
Special Event Reporting: IV-ROCS allows special event reporting two (2) hours after the scheduled observation time. Special event elements include Precipitation, Snowfall, Snow depth, Water Equivalent of Snow, and River Stage.