National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Locally Heavy Rainfall for the Carolinas; Thunderstorms and Fire Weather Concerns for Intermountain West

Heavy rainfall from scattered thunderstorms is expected across the Southwest, Intermountain West, and Plains. Isolated dry thunderstorms may initiate additional fires across the west. The coastal Carolinas may experience flash floods in the coming days due to repeated thunderstorms. Additionally, a wave of intense summer heat will hit the Southern Plains and central Gulf Coast States this week. Read More >

Selected Quick Reference Climatic Info for Sioux City, IA and Huron, SD

Temperatures       ....Sioux City IA....       ....Huron, SD....
Record Warmest    111F  Jul 4 and 17 1936   112F  Jul 10 1966
                        Jul 11 1939

Record Coldest    -35F  Jan 12 1912         -43F Jan 8 1887, Jan 12 1912 

Warmest Year      53.7  1931                50.0  1931
Coldest Year      45.1  1996                41.2  1883 and 1917

Warmest Month     87.1  Jul 1936            84.5  Jul 1936
Coldest Month      1.9  Feb 1936            -5.4  Feb 1936

Warmest Summer    80.1  1936                77.0  1936         
Coldest Summer    67.0  1915                64.3  1915

Coldest Winter     9.5  1978-79              4.2  1886-87
Warmest Winter    32.1  1930-31             29.0  1930-31
Precipitation    ....Sioux City, IA....      ....Huron, SD....

Wettest Year     41.36  2014               31.71  1962
  (56.37 in 1881 - Precip Records back
     to 1861, gap in data 1882-86)

Driest Year      14.33  1976                9.72  1952

Wettest Month    16.65  Jun 2014           11.56  Jun 1914

Driest Month     Trace  Oct 1952 and 1958

Wettest 24 hr     6.34  Jul 16/17 1996      5.48  Jun 18-19 1967
(Daily Record     5.50  Jul 17 1972)       (4.98 inches within 2 hours
                                             from 5-7 pm CDT Jun 18 1967, 
                                            3.83 inches in one hour from  
                                                               5-6 pm CDT)

Snowfall (Inches) ....Sioux City, IA....     ....Huron, SD....

Greatest Seasonal 72.8  1916-17             89.6  2000-01

Least Seasonal     7.9  1967-68             10.1  1930-31 

Greastest 24 Hr   20.0  Apr 10 1913         19.5  Jan 29-30 2001 (noon-noon)

Greatest Storm    22.9  Apr 9-10 1913       25.6  Mar 2-4 1985

Greatest Month    34.0  Dec 2009            39.9  Feb 1962

Record Snow Depth   28  Mar   13 1962         36  Feb 25 - Mar 1 2001
                    28  Jan 7-10 2010

Earliest Snowfall...
Significant..      (24 hr )                Earliest and Latest 
(2.0+ inches)      5.1  Oct 9 1970         Snowfall Data Missing 

(0.1-1.9 in.)      Sep 30 1961 (0.4 in.)

Trace..            Sep 25 1939

Latest Snowfall...
(2.0+ inches)      4.0  May 9 1945

Measurable..       0.8  May 28 1947

Trace..            0.8  May 28 1947

Selected Quick Reference Climatic Info for Sioux City, IA and Huron, SD... 

                       ......Sioux City, IA......
Month    Record High       Record Low      Warmest Mean   Coldest Mean 
Jan     71  26th 2002    -35  12th 1912     33.5  2006      3.9  1979 
Feb     75  26th 1896    -31  11th 1899     37.7  1954      1.9  1936 
Mar     91  30th 1968    -22   5th 1960     53.2  2012     17.9  1960 
Apr     98  28th 1910     -2   3rd 1975     58.1  1915     40.3  1907 
May    106  15th 2013     23   1st 1909     72.5  1934     52.5  1892 
Jun    108  21st 1988     38   4th 1945     80.0  1933     63.5  1945 
Jul    111   4th 1936     41   9th 1895     87.1  1936     68.5  1992
            11th 1939
            17th 1936
Aug    108   4th 1934     37  20th 1950     81.0  1936     66.2  1915
            24th 1936
Sep    103   2nd 2000     24  29th 1945     71.9  1931     56.9  1965
             6th 1939                             
            17th 1895
Oct     96   3rd 1938      5  29th 1925     61.3  1963     39.3  1925 
Nov     82   8th 2006     -9   7th 1991     46.5  2001     22.4  1896
                              14th 1959
                              21st 1937
                              30th 1896
                              28th 1891
Dec     71   6th 1939    -28  29th 1917     35.2  1889      6.0  1983
Month     Wettest           Driest               Snowiest

Jan      2.44  1949      .04  1928               29.1  1982
Feb      3.12  1915      .04  1931               25.0  1936
Mar      5.90  1987      .03  1910               27.3  1912
Apr      6.73  1984      .22  1928               22.9  1913
May     11.78  1903      .60 1955,1934            5.1  1917
Jun     16.65  2014      .53  1988                 0
Jul     10.33  1972      .18  1936                 0
Aug     10.12  2014      .12  1971                 0
Sep      9.69  1965      .07  1950                0.4  1961
Oct      5.70  2009       T  1952,1958            9.8  1991
Nov      4.55  2015      .01  1967               16.5  1983
Dec      2.87  1911      .01  1943               34.0  2009

Heaviest Annual Snowfall  64.7 inches in 1983
Lightest Annual Snowfall   8.8 inches in 1894
Latest First Measurable Snow of Season    Dec 25 1933
Atmospheric Pressure...Highest of Record 31.17 inches Jan  7 2015
                        Lowest of Record 28.66 inches Mar 26 1950

                      ........Huron, SD.......
Month    Record High       Record Low      Warmest Mean   Coldest Mean 
Jan     65   5th 2012    -43   8th 1887     31.0  2006     -1.3  1888
                              12th 1912
Feb     71  25th 1958    -41   9th 1994     35.6  1954     -5.4  1936 
Mar     89  30th 1943    -25  14th 1897     48.1  2012     15.0  1960 
Apr     97  21st 1980     -2   3rd 1975     54.8  1895     36.9  1920 
May    106  30th 1934     16   3rd 2013     70.0  1934     48.1  1907
Jun    109  24th 1988     31   5th 1894     78.3  1933     60.2  1945
            21st 1988
            25th 1936
Jul    112  10th 1966     37  30th 1971     84.5  1936     65.1  1992 
Aug    110  13th 1965     33  31st 1886     79.5  1937     65.5  1915
             4th 1934                                            1885
Sep    106   6th 1970     18  29th 1899     69.5  1897     50.5  1965
             9th 1904
Oct    102   5th 1963     -6  29th 1925     59.4  1963     36.8  1925 
Nov     86   8th 1999    -28  28th 1887     42.3  1999     13.5  1896 
Dec     71   6th 1939    -34  25th 1884     29.9  1939      2.8  1983

Month     Wettest           Driest               Snowiest

Jan      2.87  1897      .01  1898               28.7  2001
Feb      3.87  1962      .03  1968,1921          39.9  1962
Mar      5.89  1977      .06  1925               33.9  1975
Apr      6.64  2001      .03  1934               25.8  1935
May      7.69  1962      .33  1992                4.2  1907
Jun     11.56  1914      .67  1950,1893            0
Jul      6.69  1993      .15  1932                 0
Aug      6.66  1900      .14  1976                 0
Sep      6.75  1901       T   1998                1.0  1912
Oct      6.44  1946       T   1952               10.7  1995
Nov      3.95  2005       T  1990,1939,1914,     32.7  1985
Dec      2.15  1931       T  1986,1943           26.0  2009,1968

Updated 2/19/2017