A Pacific storm is bringing areas of low elevation rain, moderate to heavy mountain snow, and high winds to the Northwest. Strong Santa Ana winds and very dry conditions are producing elevated to critical fire weather conditions in southern California. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms are possible through early Wednesday morning across parts of northeast Texas into western Tennessee. Read More >
Public Information Statement National Weather Service Riverton WY 911 PM MST Fri Dec 15 2017 ...Preliminary Storm Information... The following are peak wind gusts recorded over the last 24 hours. ***** Peak Wind Reports ***** Location Speed Time/Date Elevation (ft.) ...Wyoming... ...Fremont County... 7 SW Muddy Gap 73 MPH 0350 PM 12/15 7380 Red Canyon 50 MPH 0620 PM 12/15 6768 Jeffrey City 49 MPH 0412 PM 12/15 6374 Dubois Airport 45 MPH 0235 PM 12/15 7297 ...Johnson County... 7 SW Barnum 56 MPH 0846 AM 12/15 6440 12 N Kaycee 43 MPH 0321 PM 12/15 5287 ...Lincoln County... Mt Coffin 48 MPH 0700 PM 12/15 10870 ...Natrona County... Casper Outer Drive 60 MPH 0631 PM 12/15 5463 16 S Hiland 59 MPH 0410 PM 12/15 6380 Casper Airport 51 MPH 1059 AM 12/15 5320 3 WSW Mills 47 MPH 1254 PM 12/15 5197 20 N Casper 43 MPH 1035 AM 12/15 5677 ...Park County... 8 S Clark 86 MPH 0715 AM 12/15 4710 5 WNW Clark 55 MPH 0328 PM 12/15 4659 10 WNW Cody 51 MPH 1140 PM 12/14 8401 2 WSW Cody 50 MPH 0253 PM 12/15 5167 Chief Joseph Hwy 50 MPH 0710 PM 12/15 8136 20 SW Cody 48 MPH 0433 AM 12/15 5843 1 W Clark 46 MPH 0448 PM 12/15 4270 3 E Pahaska 42 MPH 1257 PM 12/15 7500 Cody Airport 40 MPH 0818 PM 12/15 5100 Hoyt Peak 39 MPH 0630 PM 12/15 9800 ...Sweetwater County... 15 SE Rock Springs 45 MPH 0844 AM 12/15 7550 Rock Springs Airport 39 MPH 1226 PM 12/15 6760 Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$
Public Information Statement National Weather Service Riverton WY 0350 PM MST Sun Dec 17 2017 The following are the final snowfall reports from this past storm. Reports are from midnight Friday night through this morning. Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. Note: SnoTELS (Snow Telemetry) are remote sensing sites in high mountain watersheds. Snowfall data from SNOTELS are estimated based on snow water equivalent. Location Snowfall Big Horn County... Bald Mountain Snotel... 6 inches. Shell Creek Snotel... 5 inches. Bone Springs Divide Snotel... 5 inches. 9 ENE Greybull... 3 inches. Greybull... 2.5 inches. 7 W Basin... 2 inches. 9 NNW Shell... 0.7 inches. Fremont County... Burris... 4 inches. Castle Creek Snotel... 4 inches. Little Warm Snotel... 4 inches. Dubois... 4 inches. 6 SW Lander... 3.4 inches. Atlantic City... 3.1 inches. Riverton... 3.1 inches. 7 SE Lander... 3 inches. Hudson... 3 inches. Burroughs Creek Snotel... 3 inches. 4 W Riverton... 3 inches. Cold Springs Snotel... 3 inches. 7 WNW Lander... 2.9 inches. Riverton Airport... 2.7 inches. Lander... 2.7 inches. Lander Airport... 2.5 inches Deer Park Snotel... 2 inches. South Pass Snotel... 2 inches. 9 SSE Lander... 1.9 inches. St. Lawrence Alt Snotel... 1 inch. Townsend Creek Snotel... 1 inch. Brooks Lake... 1 inch. Hot Springs County... Owl Creek Snotel... 4 inches. 9 NE Thermopolis... 3.5 inches. Johnson County... 13 SSE Buffalo... 4 inches. Little Goose Snotel... 4 inches. Buffalo... 3.8 inches. 17 E Kaycee... 3 inches. Hansen Sawmill Snotel... 3 inches. Cloud Peak Reservoir Snotel... 2 inches. Soldier Park Snotel... 2 inches. Bear Trap Meadow Snotel... 2 inches. 7 NE Buffalo... 0.5 inches. 17 NNW Kaycee... 0.2 inches. Lincoln County... 3 SE Bedford... 6 inches. 5 NNE Thayne... 4.5 inches. 2 SE Thayne... 4.5 inches. Box Y Ranch... 3 inches. Commissary Ridge... 2 inches. Blind Bull Summit... 2 inches. 5 SSE Smoot... 2 inches. Blind Bull Summit Snotel... 2 inches. Willow Creek Snotel... 2 inches. Cottonwood Creek Snotel... 2 inches. Afton... 1.2 inches. Salt River Summit Snotel... 1 inch. Spring Creek Divide Snotel... 1 inch. Kelley Ranger Station Snotel... 1 inch. Hams Fork Snotel... 1 inch. Natrona County... Grave Springs Snotel... 3 inches. Casper Airport... 2.1 inches. Reno Hill Snotel... 2 inches. Powder River... 2 inches. Casper Mountain Snotel... 1 inch. 10 WSW Casper... 0.5 inches. Casper... 0.5 inches. Park County... 2 WSW Cody... 4 inches. 3 NE Sunshine... 3.7 inches. Kirwin Snotel... 3 inches. Evening Star Snotel... 3 inches. Blackwater Snotel... 3 inches. Beartooth Lake Snotel... 3 inches. Cody... 3 inches. Timber Creek Snotel... 3 inches. Powell... 2.5 inches. 4 ENE Powell... 2.3 inches. 4 SW Powell... 2.1 inches. 4 SE Cody... 2.1 inches. Wolverine Snotel... 2 inches. Marquette Snotel... 2 inches. Pahaska... 1.5 inches. 3 NE Clark... 1 inch. Sublette County... Big Sandy Opening Snotel... 5 inches. Elkhart Park G.S. Snotel... 4 inches. Gunsite Pass Snotel... 3 inches. Pocket Creek Snotel... 3 inches. Pinedale... 2.5 inches. Loomis Park Snotel... 2 inches. East Rim Divide Snotel... 2 inches. New Fork Lake Snotel... 2 inches. Snider Basin Snotel... 2 inches. Boulder Rearing Station... 2 inches. Larsen Creek Snotel... 2 inches. Daniel Fish Hatchery... 1.4 inches. 14 NW Pinedale... 1.3 inches. Bondurant... 1.1 inches. Sweetwater County... 4 NNW Rock Springs... 0.5 inches. Green River... 0.3 inches. 7 SE Rock Springs... 0.2 inches. Teton County... Togwotee Pass Snotel... 3 inches. Grassy Lake Snotel... 3 inches. Grand Targhee Snotel... 3 inches. Togwotee Mountain Lodge... 2 inches. Grand Targhee - Chief Joseph... 2 inches. Moose... 1 inch. 5 NW Jackson... 1 inch. Jackson Hole - Mid Mountain... 1 inch. Jackson Hole - Raymer... 1 inch. Jackson Hole - Rendezvous Bowl... 1 inch. 1 NNW Alta... 1 inch. Base Camp Snotel... 1 inch. Snake River Stn Snotel... 1 inch. Phillips Bench Snotel... 1 inch. Granite Creek Snotel... 1 inch. Jackson... 0.7 inches. Jackson Dam... 0.5 inches. Jackson Hole - Base... 0.1 inches. Snow King... 0.1 inches. Washakie County... 8 SW Worland... 3 inches. 16 SSE Ten Sleep... 2 inches. Powder River Pass Snotel... 2 inches. Ten Sleep... 1.9 inches. Winchester... 1.5 inches. Middle Powder Snotel... 1 inch. Yellowstone National Park... Parker Peak Snotel... 4 inches. Lamar Ranger Station... 4 inches. Sylvan Lake Snotel... 3 inches. Lewis Lake Divide Snotel... 2 inches. Thumb Divide Snotel... 2 inches. Two Ocean Plateau Snotel... 2 inches. Canyon Snotel... 1 inch. Sylvan Road Snotel... 1 inch. Tower Falls Ranger Station... 0.5 inches. $$
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