National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Locally Heavy Rainfall for the Carolinas; Thunderstorms and Fire Weather Concerns for Intermountain West

Heavy rainfall from scattered thunderstorms is expected across the Southwest, Intermountain West, and Plains. Isolated dry thunderstorms may initiate additional fires across the west. The coastal Carolinas may experience flash floods in the coming days due to repeated thunderstorms. Additionally, a wave of intense summer heat will hit the Southern Plains and central Gulf Coast States this week. Read More >


Late in the afternoon on July 12, 2019, several discrete supercell thunderstorms developed across the Canadian border in southern Saskatchewan. These storms went on to produce severe weather across parts of northwestern North Dakota, including a measured 68 mph wind gust near Tioga, ND.

As evening approached, new storms began to rapidly intensify further south around Dickinson, ND. One of these new storms quickly developed an intense mesocyclone, dropping golf ball size hail around Lefor, ND before heading towards Mott, ND.

Just north of Mott, an EF-1 tornado touched down around 9:24 MDT moving south southeast. Wind gusts of 72 mph and 90 mph were measured by a North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) station, likely associated with the outer edge of the tornadic circulation. The tornado then tracked through northeastern Mott before lifting just east of town about eight minutes later, near Mott Golf Course on highway 21.

Storms continued well into the morning hours of July 13, 2019, producing more sporadic severe wind and hail reports across parts of southwestern and central North Dakota. 

Tornadic Supercell Over Mott, ND
Tornadic Supercell Over Mott, ND

(Courtesy of Nadra Auch)

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