National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
News Headlines
Widespread Winter Rain
30-31 January 2015
Regional radar animation valid 9:28 to 10:38 am on Saturday, January 31st, 2015.
Regional radar animation valid 9:28 to 10:38 am on Saturday, January 31st, 2015.
A moisture-rich storm system brought widespread rain to West Texas to close out January. A little precipitation fell near the state line during the day on the 30th (Friday), but the bulk of the rain fell late Friday night into Saturday. Temperatures held fairly steady in the 30s to lower 40s, making for a cold rain. By the time all was said and done late on Saturday, most locations received between a half and three quarters of an inch of rain, as the below map shows. Lubbock officially recorded 0.58 inches for the event, raising the monthly total for January to 1.61 inches. January, on average the driest month of the year, finished nearly an inch above the long term average of 0.65 inches.
Total rainfall recorded by the West Texas Mesonet sites around the region for the late January rains of 2015.