National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
News Headlines

Severe Weather on the South Plains
June 11, 2005

Picture of building storms taken by Erin Shaw on May 12, 2005


Isolated thunderstorms developed along a dryline during the late afternoon of June 11, 2005. These thunderstorms initially developed near Dimmitt, and then attempted to develop south along the dryline, from near Littlelfield south to near Levelland and Brownfield. Although the southern most storms did produce some severe hail, they struggled to maintain themselves, and dissipated by around 7 pm.

However, the northern most storm in the Lubbock County Warning Area (CWA) did not dissipate. Instead, this storm grew in size and began to rotate more violently as it interacted with an old east to west oriented outflow boundary that was produced by storms earlier in the day. Eventually, this storm was able to produce one or more short lived tornadoes in extreme northeast Swisher County, just north of Vigo Park, before it moved further north out of the Lubbock CWA.


Note: The below information contains preliminary reports as they were received throughout the severe weather event. Some reports may show multiple reports of tornadoes. This can occur as various sources witness the same tornado from different locations at different times. The official account of tornado occurrences across the area during the event will be compiled once all the information has been gathered and reviewed in detail. However, all reports are important to the National Weather Service and a sample of them can be seen below.


  TIME            DATE        OFFICE    COUNTY           LOCATION               REPORT

*05:10 pm 06/11/2005 (LUB) CASTRO TX (0 N DIMMITT) 0.88 INCH HAIL
*05:14 pm 06/11/2005 (LUB) CASTRO TX (0 N DIMMITT) 1.75 INCH HAIL
*06:00 pm 06/11/2005 (LUB) LAMB TX (6 SE LITTLEFIELD) 0.88 INCH HAIL
*06:25 pm 06/11/2005 (LUB) HALE TX (16 W PLAINVIEW) 0.75 INCH HAIL
*06:33 pm 06/11/2005 (LUB) HALE TX (4 W HALFWAY) 0.75 INCH HAIL
*06:38 pm 06/11/2005 (LUB) SWISHER TX (11 NE TULIA) TORNADO
*07:00 pm 06/11/2005 (LUB) SWISHER TX (16 NE TULIA) TORNADO
*07:35 pm 06/11/2005 (LUB) SWISHER TX (18 NE TULIA) TORNADO