National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Next In Line

3:11 p.m.

Meanwhile, your family in South Alamo partially as a result of your earlier phone call is taking shelter. They gather in the house's central bathroom and duck into the bathtub under a mattress they grabbed off the bed to protect themselves.

As they get into place all of their phones go off with a loud tone. The screen displays this message:

These alerts are automatically sent to your smartphone (unless you opt out) any time the National Weather Service issues a Tornado or Flash Flood Warning for your area. In this case a Tornado Warning has just been issued for your family. In this case, they are already taking their tornado precautions because they knew of the threat of extremely strong severe thunderstorm winds.

It's a scary moment with the storm headed right for them, but they know they are in a strongly built home and they are in it's safest spot.

